Cristina Ohlmer + Stefan Reisinger / art vs film – 7 MOMENTS OF OBLIVION, 29:42, 2021



7 MOMENTS OF OBLIVION is an experimental film project of approx. 30 minutes in which cinematic know-how and artistic interpretation deal with questions of memory and visualization in a fluid, researching the concept of time:
The protagonist lives in a village in the Po Valley. We use this “end of the world” as a stage to counteract a (self-chosen) isolation in old age with the phenomenon of a transfigured memory. She lives in a melancholy deceleration of her glamorous ideas: suddenly a man drives past whom she seems to recognize. Her journey into dejà vu begins with a celebrated dance: through preciously stored items of clothing, she visualizes fleeting moments in her life that also lead to explosive moments – when one day a stranger waits for her in her apartment …

by Cristina Ohlmer – Stefan Reisinger/ art vs film


Art vs. film, combine formal and content-related aspects as an essential high-ranking role in both -artistic and cinematic thought and action. In the film (Stefan Reisinger) we are interested in results according to formally professional production techniques (extraordinary camera/tracks and editing sequences) between fictional/surreal genres. The claim is a plot created by performance, in specially developed costumes and stages. For this goal artistic experiences of transformation and abstraction of the real are basic. We chose constellations that combine our vision with all dimensions of sensation in a cinematic process (image, location, atmosphere): The plot explores the way the film industry deals with patterns of meaning and perception – which have shaped our consciousness. In support, specially selected locations and specific sounds carry the film on. The stories develop in conscious openness as input for our own “film in our heads”. The stories develop without words, supported by a matching sound design and in minimalist, self-structuring actions through the suggestive power of large images. In a flowing chain of associations, surprising film fantasies are set free: universal and immersive.

Distributed by Visualcontainer