Pier Giorgio DE PINTO Monography (IT/CH)

Pier Giorgio DE PINTO Monography (IT/CH)
Multimedia Artist

from 14 june to 25 july 2012
only on VisualcontainerTV

VisualcontainerTV is glad to present on SpecialOne Format the anthological selection of video works of Pier Giorgio De Pinto.The selection represents a small part of the video works of De Pinto from half years of this decade so far. The videos cover different areas, from experimental research, performances, collaboration with other artists.

Videos presented:

My home has a golden Guest, 2011 4:3 ‘5’’21
Sicilian yell for Ayaan Hirsi Ali, 2009 4:3 ‘3’’26
Mapping the body [I am therefore I exist] 2011 4:3 ‘10’’24
Blustery, 2008 4:3 ‘2’’56
Gender Changer, 2006 4:3 ‘4’’52
Cosmosinsomnia, 2006 4:3 ‘5’’28

About Pier Giorgio De Pinto
Pier Giorgio De Pinto is a trans-disciplinary artist, a performer, a curator, a theorist and a media trainer. De Pinto strongly uses new media as a “thinking medium” in which involves the audience, creating performative experiences and immersive environments. His projects usually involve others – musicians, choreographers and artists – from different cultural backgrounds, styles and identity genres. These collaborations enable De Pinto to undertake new and radical experimental projects, capable of stimulating discussion about stereotypes and prejudices, asking awkward questions in the areas of culture, politics and religion.