A selection of video art curated by Dutch ISFTH Foundation (NL)
11 to 23 December 2010

only on visualcontainerTV

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VisualcontainerTV is glad to host a selection from ISFTH Foundation:
“Experimental videos made by six contemporary Dutch artists.
This program is a research on the diversity represented by six women in the Netherlands, each with its own distinctive style.
Do not just work with video, but use the possibilities offered by different media to express their ideas and artistic concepts: This interdisciplinary approach is reflected in their work and the boundary between moving and still pictures seems to vanish.”
By ISFTH Foundation (NL)

Videos selected

Judith van der Made – To Some seek to eat from (2:34)
Emily Kocken – Run If You Can not Hide (2:50)
Olga Mink – Sans Soleil (7:18)
Liesbeth Verhoeven – Mijn op de Heidelpenn (3:20)
Josien Vogelaar – Endymion & Selene (2:01)
Sarah Janssen – Cinematic Shivers (7:00)

Isfth is a non-profit foundation that provides support for projects that encourage the understanding of audio
visual art. Foundation goals are:support of individual artists, to promote audio visual art, to stimulate
artistic developments.

A selection of video art curated by Dutch ISFTH Foundation (NL)
11 to 23 December 2010

only on visualcontainerTV

Home hub

VisualcontainerTV is glad to host a selection from ISFTH Foundation:
“Experimental videos made by six contemporary Dutch artists.
This program is a research on the diversity represented by six women in the Netherlands, each with its own distinctive style.
Do not just work with video, but use the possibilities offered by different media to express their ideas and artistic concepts: This interdisciplinary approach is reflected in their work and the boundary between moving and still pictures seems to vanish.”
By ISFTH Foundation (NL)

Videos selected

Judith van der Made – To Some seek to eat from (2:34)
Emily Kocken – Run If You Can not Hide (2:50)
Olga Mink – Sans Soleil (7:18)
Liesbeth Verhoeven – Mijn op de Heidelpenn (3:20)
Josien Vogelaar – Endymion & Selene (2:01)
Sarah Janssen – Cinematic Shivers (7:00)

Isfth is a non-profit foundation that provides support for projects that encourage the understanding of audio
visual art. Foundation goals are:support of individual artists, to promote audio visual art, to stimulate
artistic developments.