Ursula San Cristóbal – A half-dreamed-memory, 6:25, 2021




“It’s an image I’m chasing for, nothing else.” Gerard de Nerval, Sylvie (1854).
Between memory, dream and nightmare, between human skin and digital technology, looking for an image and a sound to express wishes, affections, fears, anguish, strength, fragility and hope. A process where pleasure resides in the search in itself.
Official selections: Videoformes 2022. Clermont Ferrand, France – FONLAD 2022 Festival Internacional de Videoarte e performace. Coimbra, Portugal – Festival Puntomov. Festival Internacional de Video. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México



Ursula San Cristóbal (1987) is an interdisciplinary artist and researcher based in Barcelona. Her work is devoted mainly to performance art and video art, which she conceives as tools for exploring contemporary subjectivity, addressing issues such as gender, identity, fragility, eroticism, intimacy and the uncanny. She has been invited to make a video installation for the Festival Videoformes 2023 (Clermont-Ferrand, France), and she has been an artist in residence at Nau Estruch (Sabadell, Spain). Her video artwork has been screened in festivals such as Festival Les Instants Vidéo (France), Camagüey International Video Art Festival (Cuba), BIDEODROMO International Experimental Film and Video Festival (Spain), Miami New Media Festival (USA), Traverse Vidéo (France), FILE Electronic Language International Festival (Brazil), Video Art Miden (Greece) and 19th Media Art Biennale WRO 2021 (Poland). Úrsula holds a PhD in Art History and Musicology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.