OODAAQ Festival – Rennes France



OODAAQ FESTIVAL, Rennes, Nantes, St. Malo

From 18 of May to 5 of June 2016
only on VisualcontainerTV


VisualcontainerTV is proud to  present 4 programs  simultaneously with the  OODAAQ openings in Rennes, Nantes and St. Malo only during the Festivals dates.

Don’t miss it and stay tuned!


L’Œil d’Oodaaq is a non-profit organization that stimulates research on video art, as well as other art forms that question contemporary imagery : photography, installation, drawing, painting, performance, new media. L’Œil d’Oodaaq defends nomadic and poetic images, and wishes to facilitate encounters between artists, public and art professionals.

Oodaaq is an island discovered northeast of Greenland in 1978. This bank of gravel and silt, longtime said to be the most northern emerged land on earth, is drifting and impossible to localize nowadays. Leading an existence somewhere between reality and imagination, the island of Oodaaq has become an image, far-off and utopian, inviting us to glance at the horizon in order to see it appear. It is on this inaccessible and invisible territory that we have settled our camp, in order to explore contemporary artistic creation. As nomadic inhabitants of Oodaaq, we are traveling the world throughout the year and form a collective of creators in constant evolution.

Every year in the end of May, L’Œil d’Oodaaq offers the opportunity, for the public, to attend exhibitions, screenings, performances, lectures and installations in public spaces.

It takes place in three towns : Rennes, Nantes and Saint-Malo.

Like every year you can find all our international video programms on the web tv of visualcontainer, from may 18 to june 5.

More informations on the artists and our Festival Oodaaq 2016 



Fabiano Mixo (bre) – Damien Petitot (fr) – Florent Texier (fr) – Silvia De Gennaro (it) – Laurie Joly & Parya Vatankha (fr/ira) – Clint Enns (ca) – Sirin Bahar Demirel (tu) – Guli Silberstein (uk) – Sylvia Winkler & Stephan Koeperl (pl) – Jonathan Johnson (us) – Rimas Sakalauskas (li) – Pascal Ancel Bartholdi (uk) – Sissi Kaplan (de) – Vincent Pouplard (fr) – Myriam Crampes (fr) – Eden Mitsenmacher (isr) – Anna and Michal Baranscy (pl) – Miguel Jara (col) – Yiorgos Nalpantidis (gr) – Anupong Charoenmitr (th) – François Lejault (fr) – Julie chaffort (fr) – Johan Parent (fr) – Anna and Michal Baranscy (pl) – Sébastien Beranger and Célia Eid (fr/br) – Jérôme Cavaliere & Stéphane Déplan (fr) – Les Froh Faire (Erwann Babin et Florian Stéphant)(fr) – Paul Heintz (fr).




Fabiano Mixo (bre) – Woman without mandolin – 5′ – 2015
Damien Petitot (fr) – [TU^^] – 3’29 – 2013
Florent Texier (fr) – Les vapeurs – 2’11 – 2015
Silvia De Gennaro (it) – Travel notebooks Perugia Italy – 2’11 – 2014
Laurie Joly & Parya Vatankha (fr/ira) – (RE)ACTIONS– 6’42 – 2015
Clint Enns (ca) – Aerosol burn – 2’40 – 2014
Sirin Bahar Demirel (tu) – Life looks like life – 1’58 – 2015
Guli Silberstein (uk) – Machinic Phylum – 4’02 – 2015
Sylvia Winkler & Stephan Koeperl (pl) – El oso verde – 3’30 – 2011
Jonathan Johnson (us) – Explosions bring us closer together – 1’52 – 2012
Rimas Sakalauskas (li) – Blue – 3′ – 2014


SOMNAMBULES (Somnambulists)

Pascal Ancel Bartholdi (uk) – Wormhole labriperipatetic ballad of London nomad – 14’59 – 2015
Sissi Kaplan (de) – About Emptiness – 10’10 – 2015
Vincent Pouplard (fr) – Sun is sad – 12’00 – 2015
Myriam Crampes (fr) – Territoire – 16’09 – 2015


INOUÏ (Unheard)

Eden Mitsenmacher (isr) – Loading – 0’56 – 2015
Anna and Michal Baranscy (pl) – Recycle – 3’20 – 2013
Miguel Jara (col)- Let’s Face it – Extravios Mentales – 8’ – 2013
Yiorgos Nalpantidis (gr) – Minore – 5’15 – 2014 – greek
Anupong Charoenmitr (th) – just dance – 3’39 – 2013
François Lejault (fr) – Kafr Ashry – 4’40 – 2015
Julie chaffort (fr) – Chiens-loups – 1’28 – 2014
Johan Parent – self Lavage – 2’56 – 2015 – fr
Anna and Michal Baranscy (pl) – side by side – 2’32 – 2012
Sébastien Beranger et Célia Eid (fr/br) – Erase – 7’31 – 2015


QUOTIDIENS FICTIONNES (daily fictionalized)

Jérôme Cavaliere & Stéphane Déplan – DESACCORDS – 12’36 – 2015
Les Froh Faire (Erwann Babin et Florian Stéphant) – Ploz(d)év(m)et Filmé – 13’05 – 2015
Paul Heintz – Non contractuel – 16’20 – 2015

OODAAQ Festival Affiche

OODAAQ Full Programs