SENSITIVE AND DIGITAL SCAPES | Italian Videoart Selection

Curated by Visualcontainer Italian Videoart Platform
04.10 – 09.11.2017


Artists: Lino Strangis – Salvatore Insana – Rita Casdia – Riccardo Muroni – Eleonora Manca – Yuri Pirondi + Ines von Bonhorst – Chiara Mazzocchi -Lucia Veronesi – Natalia Saurin – Mauro Folci


“The screening project is focused on digital and sensitive scapes and showing a numerical flow that break the syntetic audiovisual aesthetic down till a sort of sensitive experience throughtout the body of the artists.

Starting from the most interesting approaches to digital audiovisual artwork made by innovative artists in videoart scenario, the audiences can investigate the latest syntetic aesthetic form of numerical flux realized by autogenerative software and enjoy hypothetical digital scapes.(Lino Strangis)

The syntetic and evocative experience slowly descends into sensitive paths that redefine the concept of metaphysical and real space through “edited” bodies (Rita casdia, Salvatore Insana). A layered performance based on “space – time” shows how a corporeal frame can be traslated into philosophical and phisical paths (Riccardo Muroni).
The perception of the real is still far from the sensitive experience,even though the digital effects contamination is trying to explore other kind of subliminal spaces (Eleonora Manca).

Ispiring to the Plato’s cave an astonished body tries to investigate the primordial visual approach reflecting on the contemporary urban spaces (Yuri Pirondi + Ines von Bonhorst). The body now is a vehicle to re-map various sensitive experience or easily the place of beauty appearance (Chiara Mazzocchi).

The perception journey is one more time taking off for ideal levels. Mithological places are mixed with real places causing misunderstandig between real and expectations (Natalia Saurin) or catastrophic events are translated in a fake world, trying to have a sort of control on them (Lucia Veronesi).

The conflict between real and ideal world bring the audience to the selection’s end.
Sometimes happens that body and mind are too weak to bear the friction of expectations so is time to return to the ideal state of mind (Mauro Folci)”
Alessandra Arnò (Visualcontainer)


Videoart selection:

Lino Strangis – Metaphysical orogeny , 7:44, 2016
Salvatore Insana – L’Imbarazzo della forma, 5:30, 2015
Rita Casdia – Skin Life, 2:28, 2014
Riccardo Muroni – 010, 11:11, 2015
Eleonora Manca – Reverse Metamorphosis, 01.14, 2015
Yuri Pirondi + Ines von Bonhorst – Emergencia, 11:43, 2012
Chiara Mazzocchi – Sleeping Standing – 4:34, 2014
Lucia Veronesi – Paesaggio senza titolo #7, 2′ 32”, 2014
Natalia Saurin – Contemplazione, 3:33, 2010
Mauro Folci – Esodo/Exodus, 1’37”, 2011


Visualcontainer Italian videoart distributor promotes and distributes the videoart works listed in its archive for exhibitions, institutional and educational projects and private screening. The distribution is operated through rental orders.

The distribution process acts as a cultural process in favour of curators, museums, institutions, galleries, academics and ordinary contemporary art followers who want to exhibit or enjoy videoart.
Visualcontainer protects the copyright of the artists by allocating the fifty percent of the rental costs to the authors of the rented works.

Further to the distribution service, Visualcontainer develops curatorial projects and promotes cultural exchanges, publications and art events on the international art/culture circuit. It also provides informational and educational support relevant to the videoart environment within seminars, talks and workshops.

The promotion and popularization of videoart is accomplished also thorugh international exchanges, curatorial and educational events, even in collaboration with festivals, universities, institutions and non-profit organizations operating in Italy and abroad ( Argentina, France, Germany, Spain, Bosnia, Holland, Armenia, Ecuador, Poland, Romania, USA, Peru, China, India, Russia, Morocco, etc …).



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