SignOUT Videoart from Romania

SignOUT Videoart from Romania
from 26 July to 5 September 2012
only on VisualcontainerTV

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VisualcontainerTv International Videoart webchannel presents SignOUT Videoart project from Oradea – Romania, curated by Gabriela Diana Gavrilas University of Oradea –Faculty of Arts, Department of VisualArts and The Muzeul Tarii Crisurilor (Oradea, Romania)

„Sign out“, „Esci“ or „Deconnexion“ is a syntagm used by the technological language of the virtual world and represents the possibility that the individual accesses to leave any kind of system he is placed into.

Videos presented:

Antik Alexandru, The prison of Fantasy, 5:07, 1993 ;
Elena Corina Andor Purgatorium, 3:30, 2012 ;
Rudolf Bone Snail, Snail, Little Snail…, 1:11, 2012 ;
Colage, 4:16, 2012 ;
Corina Baciu Urzic Reboot, 3:24, 2012 ;
Aura Bǎlǎnescu, In grid, 4:59, 2012 ;
Andrei Curta, Don’t cut it off, 1:35, 2012;
Costolaş Cristina, R.E.M., 1:55, 2012;
Ciprian Ciuclea, Cloud, 1:33, 2012;
Damo Zsolt, Immediat, 0:38, 2012 ;
Előd Izsák, 1.00±0.02AU, 8:44 2008 ;Sunset/Picture Rising, 5:08. 2006 ;
Fekete Tiberiu, Surface tension, 4:31, 2012;
Gordan Agnes, Passage, 1:03, 2012 ;
Gabriela Diana Gavrilaş, Out of the blue, 6:32, 2012 ;
View through the thin ice, 2:43, 2012 ;
Cantemir Meşter, Reflux, 1:42, 2012 ;
Ioan Mihele, Duality, 1:55, 2012 ;
Anya Hiv, Mother calls, 1:49, 2010 ;
Olivia Roşca, Breathe, 3:55, 2012 ;
Alexandra-Bela Szfura, Intimacy of art, 3:31, 2012 ;
Anamaria Şerban and Sorin Calotǎ, Sculptura în alb, 4:39, 2012 ;
Teofil Ştiop, Acrobat, 2:20, 2012 ;
Mihaela Tătulescu, Illusion, 1:55, 2012 ;