Francesca Bonfatti – L’Inventario, 3:41, 2017




“The Inventory”, inspired by mute cinema and Antonio Fogazzaro’s Malombra, a Gothic novel of 1881 in which a woman experiences a profound state of disturbance, perhaps due to a duplication of personality, which causes strange memories that emerge as ghosts of the past.
“The Inventory” aims to be a project that intends to trace by a plurality of channels (verbal – sound-textual – iconic), perceptual thresholds between present, past and future. In a society that has been able to change in a very short time how to relate to one’s neighbour and the meanings of identity and individuality, “Inventory” is viewed as a bridge between the past, the present and the future, showing the elements of continuity and those of fracture of human essence.



Francesca Bonfatti, in art Gelidelune, is a Visual Poet, Photographer and Video artist born in Rome (Italy) in 1970 and lives and works in (Venice/Italy).
She has a Fine Arts (Painting) degree at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome.
Her works have been selected for exhibitions and festivals in Italy and other countries.