Best of the OODAAQ FESTIVAL, Rennes, Nantes, St. Malo

Best of the OODAAQ FESTIVAL, Rennes, Nantes, St. Malo
From 28 of June to 25 of July 2017
only on VisualcontainerTV


VisualcontainerTV is proud to present 4 programs from the last edition of OODAAQ Festival held in Rennes, Nantes and St. Malo.
L’Œil d’Oodaaq is a non-profit organization that stimulates research on video art, as well as other art forms that question contemporary imagery : photography, installation, drawing, painting, performance, new media. L’Œil d’Oodaaq defends nomadic and poetic images, and wishes to facilitate encounters between artists, public and art professionals.


Oodaaq is an island discovered northeast of Greenland in 1978. This bank of gravel and silt, longtime said to be the most northern emerged land on earth, is drifting and impossible to localize nowadays. Leading an existence somewhere between reality and imagination, the island of Oodaaq has become an image, far-off and utopian, inviting us to glance at the horizon in order to see it appear. It is on this inaccessible and invisible territory that we have settled our camp, in order to explore contemporary artistic creation. As nomadic inhabitants of Oodaaq, we are traveling the world throughout the year and form a collective of creators in constant evolution.

Every year in the end of May, L’Œil d’Oodaaq offers the opportunity, for the public, to attend exhibitions, screenings, performances, lectures and installations in public spaces.

It takes place in three towns : Rennes, Nantes and Saint-Malo.
Artists: Charlotte Clermont (ca) – Olivier Aubry et Tomomi Yano (fr/JP) Mathilde Leroy (fr) -Karina Rojas Sandoval (cl) -Jérôme de Vienne (fr) – Carla Chan (hk) -Axel Brun (fr) -Nikolas Chasser Skilbeck (us) – Guillaume Vallée (ca) –
Stéphane Billot (fr) – Markus Keim et Beate Hecher (at) Loïc Gatteau (fr) – Steven Denizot (fr) – Randa Maroufi (ma) – Laurel Beckman (us) – Annick Dragoni (fr) – Przemek Wegrzyn (pl) – Sylvia Winkler et Stephan Koeperl (at/de) – Alex Ingersoll (us)- Emilie Morin (fr)- Laura Angélica Benavides Ramírez (co)- Leyla Rodriguez (de) – David Finkelstein (us) – Rodrigo Faustini dos Santos (br)


This programme presents a range of moving images techniques: performance recording, animated paint, digital glitch, VHS tape distorsion, practice on film, computer-generated pictures… Artists play with moving images as if it were a sheet music, thus questioning a formal re-presentation by repetition or rewriting. Art works generate a formal split to become their own subject.
The series of these videos reveals this very idea, by going from film to digital image practices or formats that can be compared and that can repeat themselves.

Charlotte Clermont (ca) – We Are The Way We Are Because Nature Will Allow It – 2016 – 07:13
Olivier Aubry et Tomomi Yano (fr/JP) – Je vois – 2014-3’58
Mathilde Leroy (fr) – Réflexions 3 – Variation – 2016-3’14
Karina Rojas Sandoval (cl) – Descomposición Aleatoria – 2015 – 4’51
Jérôme de Vienne (fr) – Could you do that again, please ? – 2016 – 6’20
Carla Chan (hk) – Black Moves Volume III – 2016 – 7’45
Axel Brun (fr) – Bulles – 2011 – 2’47
Nikolas Chasser Skilbeck (us) – Poseidon’s Dream – 2016 – 3’55
Guillaume Vallée (ca) – Le bulbe tragique – 2016 – 6’09



Programm 2 : CONTEXTES
In a diverted way, videos from this programm are about our world, its history and its news.
These videos take our reality away by using the absence, the untold or even the absurd, allowing everyone to rethink our world and its representations tools.
Through their vision, these artists offer to face our eyes and consciences to this everyday life that can sometimes be hard to get.

Stéphane Billot (fr) – Context – 2016 – 3’55
Markus Keim et Beate Hecher (at) – Mare Mediterraneum – 2016 – 9′
Loïc Gatteau (fr) – Lignes de fuites – 2016 – 4’30
Steven Denizot (fr) – Symptôme – 2016 – 2’41
Randa Maroufi (ma) – Le Park – 2015 – 14′
Laurel Beckman (us) – Big Balls – 2015 – 1′
Annick Dragoni (fr) – Légende – 2015 – 8′
Przemek Wegrzyn (pl) – Lullaby – 2015 – 4’45
Sylvia Winkler et Stephan Koeperl (at/de) – Towards The Hague – 2016-4’50



Salon vidéo 1 : Rivages souterrains
Three sensitive, intimate visions that take us into confidence and introspection, to our own intimacy. These videos connect image with words. Words that can come from images, be placed on them or even constitute them.
Alex Ingersoll (us)- Vestal Fire – 2016 – 8’34
Emilie Morin (fr)- variation – 2016 – 5′
Laura Angélica Benavides Ramírez (co)- 4:48 – 2016 – 2’06



Salon vidéo 2 : Salon Z
Three cheeky visions of an intimate search for our dreams, fantasies and taboos. An hallucinated stroll in an exuberant unconscious made from mental images.

Leyla Rodriguez (de) – Optimistic Cover – 2015 – 4’29
David Finkelstein (us) – Latrines Privées – 2015 – 20′
Rodrigo Faustini dos Santos (br) – Monica’s Fetish: an experiment in video-suture – 2015 – 3’17
Oodaaq Official Site