Chinese Videoart Project
Curator: Cecilia Freschini

19 December to 18 January 2012
Only on VisualcontainerTV

VisualcontainerTv presents on ExhibitContainer – format dedicated to the most interesting international Videoart projects and festivals- “Flowers Of Chaos ” Chinese Animation Videoart selection curated by Cecilia Freschini (independent curator based in Beijing) in collaboration with Artverona Fair (It)

Project Statement
The aim of this project is to highlight a specific sector of Chinese video art by focussing attention on its particular origins. What do the artists selected, all from the Chinese mainland, see when they look around?
Chaos! Overwhelming disorder, which they deal with through their voice: tales and allegories that investigate today’s society in an ironic manner, though without being afraid of tackling the Party’s heavy ideology.
Like plants growing in a hostile terrain, their roots burrow deep down towards an uncertain source of nutrition, and they proliferate in the depths, beyond naked social distress. They are flowers born from chaos, drunk with the energy that surrounds them, but also fatigued by the continuous and incessant process of urban modernization. In their search for an identity they are forced to elude the oppression that has so harshly tested their very creative survival.
By Cecilia Freschini

Video selection:
Chen Shaoxiong, “Ink city”, 2005, Animation, b/w, 3’
Cindy Ng Sio Ieng “Ink Walk, 2009, Video, 6’ 08’’
Jin Shan, “Kill”, 2009, Animation, black-and-white, 2’11’’
Ma Yongfeng, “Wrong”, 2008, Animation, 1’30’’
Qi Yang, “Lotus Dance”, 2004, Animation, 2’50’’
Sun Xun, “People’s Republic of Zoo”, 2009, Animazione, 7’49”
Wang Bo, “Day Dream”, 2006, Video Animation, 8’ 31’’
Wu Junyong, “Flowers of Chaos”, 2009, Animation, 3’35’’
Zhang Xiaotao, “Scar”, 2009, Animation, 11’27”